Maybe their room looks like the local landfill or they always forget their jacket at school
We've all been there - reminding our kids over and over like a broken record.
You shake your head in frustration, wondering why it's difficult for them to do something so simple?
Skills like memory, organization and time management are called executive functioning skills.
We often call them life skills
When parents have one set of executive skill strengths and weakness and their child has another set, this can cause potential conflict
set the stage for better cooperation
help see different approaches to reduce conflict
help your child approach tasks with confidence and complete them easier
help identify your child's challenge areas and begin to build those skills up.
identify new strategies that match your child's strengths
Book Your FREE Connection Assessment Call Today!"
assess your child's developmental strengths and weaknesses
Give a generalized view of where your child is for various skills
discuss results and ways to use the information to help child
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